Create a SplineOmics object
Creates a SplineOmics object containing variables that are commonly used across multiple functions in the package.
rna_seq_data = NULL,
annotation = NULL,
report_info = NULL,
meta_batch_column = NULL,
meta_batch2_column = NULL,
feature_name_columns = NULL,
design = NULL,
mode = NULL,
spline_params = NULL,
padjust_method = "BH"
- data
The actual omics data. In the case the rna_seq_data argument is used, still provide this argument. In that case, input the data matrix in here (for example the $E part of the voom object). Assign your feature names as row headers (otherwise, just numbers will be your feature names).
- meta
Metadata associated with the omics data.
- condition
A condition variable.
- rna_seq_data
An object containing the preprocessed RNA-seq data, such as the output from `limma::voom` or a similar preprocessing pipeline. This argument is not controlled by any function of the `SplineOmics` package. Rather, in that regard it relies on the input control from the `limma::lmfit` function.
- annotation
A dataframe with the feature descriptions of data (optional).
- report_info
A list containing report information such as omics data type, data description, data collection date, analyst name, contact info, and project name (optional).
- meta_batch_column
Column for meta batch information (optional).
- meta_batch2_column
Column for secondary meta batch information (optional).
- feature_name_columns
Character vector containing the column names of the annotation info that describe the features. This argument is used to specify in the HTML report how exactly the feature names displayed above each individual spline plot have been created. Use the same vector that was used to create the row headers for the data matrix!
- design
A design matrix or similar object (optional).
- mode
For the design formula, you must specify either 'isolated' or 'integrated'. Isolated means limma determines the results for each level using only the data from that level. Integrated means limma determines the results for all levels using the full dataset (from all levels).
- spline_params
Parameters for spline functions (optional). Must contain the named elements spline_type, which must contain either the string "n" for natural cubic splines, or "b", for B-splines, the named element degree in the case of B-splines, that must contain only an integer, and the named element dof, specifying the degree of freedom, containing an integer and required both for natural and B-splines.
- padjust_method
Method for p-value adjustment, one of "none", "BH", "BY", "holm", "bonferroni", "hochberg", or "hommel". Defaults to "BH" (Benjamini-Hochberg).