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Generates an HTML report based on the results of a limma analysis with splines. The report includes various plots and sections summarizing the analysis results for time effects, average differences between conditions, and interaction effects between condition and time.


create_limma_report(splineomics, adj_pthresh = 0.05, report_dir = here::here())



An S3 object of class `SplineOmics` that contains all the necessary data and parameters for the analysis, including:

  • limma_splines_result: A list containing top tables from differential expression analysis for the three different limma results.

  • meta: A data frame with sample metadata. Must contain a column "Time".

  • condition: A character string specifying the column name in the metadata (meta) that defines groups for analysis. This column contains levels such as "exponential" and "stationary" for phases, or "drug" and "no_drug" for treatments.

  • annotation: A data frame containing feature information, such as gene and protein names, associated with the expression data.

  • report_info: A list containing metadata about the analysis for reporting purposes.


A numeric value specifying the adjusted p-value threshold for significance. Default is 0.05. Must be > 0 and < 1.


A string specifying the directory where the report should be saved. Default is the current working directory.


A list of plots included in the generated HTML report.