Level3Functions: A class for level 3 utility functions
Level3Functions: A class for level 3 utility functions
Level3Functions: A class for level 3 utility functions
This class provides methods for creating error messages and checking batch columns.
The function verifies that the `voom` object contains the following components: - `E`: A matrix of log2-counts per million (logCPM) values. - `weights`: A matrix of observation-specific weights that matches the dimensions of `E`. - `design`: A matrix representing the design matrix used in the linear modeling, with the same number of rows as there are columns in `E`.
The function also checks for optional components such as: - `genes`: A data frame of gene annotations. - `targets`: A data frame of target information. - `sample.weights`: A numeric vector of sample-specific weights.
If any of these checks fail, the function stops and reports the issues. If the structure is valid, a message confirming the validity is printed.
Super class
-> Level3Functions
Inherited methods
Method check_voom_structure()
This function checks the structure of a `voom` object to ensure that it contains all the expected components and that these components have the correct types and dimensions. The function does not check the actual data within the matrices.
Method check_batch_column()
This method checks the batch column in the metadata and provides appropriate messages.
Method check_condition_time_consistency()
This function checks whether the values in the `condition` column have unique values for each block of identical `Time` values in the `meta` dataframe. Additionally, it ensures that every new block of a given time has a new value in the `condition` column.