Level2Functions: A class providing level 2 functionalities
Level2Functions: A class providing level 2 functionalities
Level2Functions: A class providing level 2 functionalities
This class provides various level 2 functionalities, including methods to check dataframes and spline parameters.
Super classes
-> SplineOmics::Level3Functions
-> Level2Functions
Method check_data()
This function checks the validity of the data matrix, ensuring that it is a matrix, contains only numeric values, has no missing values, and all elements are non-negative. Additionally, it verifies that no rows or columns are entirely zeros.
Method check_meta()
This function checks the validity of the metadata dataframe, ensuring it contains the 'Time' column, does not contain missing values, and that the specified condition column is valid and of the appropriate type. Additionally, it checks for an optional batch effect column and prints messages regarding its use.
meta_batch_column = NULL,
meta_batch2_column = NULL,
data_meta_index = NULL
A dataframe containing the metadata, including the 'Time' column.
A single character string specifying the column name in the meta dataframe to be checked.
An optional parameter specifying the column name in the meta dataframe used to remove the batch effect. Default is NA.
An optional parameter specifying the column name in the meta dataframe used to remove the batch effect. Default is NA.
An optional parameter specifying the index of the data/meta pair for error messages. Default is NA.
Method check_dataframe()
Validates that the dataframe contains all required columns with the correct data types.
Method check_spline_params_generally()
Validates the general structure and contents of spline parameters.
Method check_spline_params_mode_dependent()
Validates the spline parameters depending on the specified mode.
Method check_columns_spline_test_configs()
Validates that the spline test configurations contain the required columns in the correct order.
Method check_spline_type_column()
Validates that the 'spline_type' column in the spline test configurations contains only 'n' or 'b'.
Method check_spline_type_params()
Validates the parameters for each row in the spline test configurations based on the spline type.
Method check_max_and_min_dof()
Validates the degrees of freedom (DoF) for each row in the spline test configurations based on the metadata.