limma report | Omics-Datatype: PTX | Date-Time: 26_09_2024-14_33_40


This HTML report contains plots visualizing the results from the limma topTables.
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To understand the three limma result categories shown in this report, please download and review this PDF document

The grey shaded areas of the plots in this report cover the non-significant features!


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Report Info ℹ

omics data type :PTX
data description :Proteomics data of CHO cells
data collection date :February 2024
meta condition :NA
meta batch :NA
limma design :NA
analyst name :Thomas Rauter
contact info
project name :DGTX
method description :NA
results summary :NA
conclusions :NA

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limma topTables :

Table of Contents

Time Effect

Features that have a significant time effect have a spline that shows a temporal pattern (the degree of temporal pattern that is sufficient for this depends on the adj.p-value threshold) within one level (then they are significant for that level). If the spline fit to the time course of a feature within a level is more or less flat over time, it will not be a significant feature (hit) in this limma result category.

Plot Explanation:

A p-value histogram shows the distribution of p-values from multiple statistical tests. On the x-axis, we have the unadjusted p-values, ranging from 0 to 1, while the y-axis represents the frequency, or how often p-values fall within a certain range. If there is no true signal, we expect the p-values to be uniformly distributed, resulting in a flat histogram across all bins. This means that the tests are not detecting any statistically significant differences. However, if there is a strong signal in the data, we will see a concentration of p-values near 0, indicating that many tests have resulted in statistically significant findings. On the other hand, if most p-values are clustered near 1, it could suggest that the tests are not finding significant effects.



Average Difference Conditions

Features that have a significant average difference between two conditions (when there are more than two, all of them are compared pairwise) have different overall y-axis values for the spline in the compared levels. For example, if the time course of a given feature is on average around 17 in one level, but around 11 in the other level, this could be a significant feature (hit) in this limma result category (irrespective of the temporal pattern of this feature in any of the compared levels).

Plot Explanation:

A volcano plot is a scatter plot used to visualize the results of multiple hypothesis tests. The x-axis represents the log fold change, showing how much something changes between two groups, while the y-axis represents -log10(adj. p-value), which shows the statistical significance. Points further from the center on the x-axis show larger effects, and points higher on the y-axis indicate more significant results.



Interaction of Condition and Time

Features that have a significant interaction of condition and time have a different temporal pattern of their spline in both compared levels. For example, if the spline curve goes up in level 1 of the comparison, but goes down in level 2, this could be a significant feature (hit) in this limma result category.
